Workshop on variable acoustics in large spaces for music

This workshop will take place on Thursday, April 7th and Friday, April 8th 2011, in the New Music Building, Schulich School of Music, 527 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal. This workshop is free and open to all. Registration is required for sessions 2-4.


Registration is mandatory for session 2 (April 7th), 3 and 4 (April 8th) as seating is limited.  Reservations for this workshop are now full.  If you have a specific enquiry, please contact Jacqui Bednar (jacqueline.bednar [AT]


This workshop is presented by CIRMMT and the Schulich School of Music of McGill University.



  • Clemeth Abercrombie, Artec - New York, USA
  • Robert Essert, Sound Space Design - London, UK
  • Todd Brooks, Artec - New York, USA
  • Johannes Goebel, EMPAC - Troy, USA
  • Larry King, Artec - New York, USA
  • Markus Noisternig, IRCAM - Paris, France
  • Peter Otto, Calit2 - San Diego, USA
  • Martin Pilchner, Pilchner Schoustal International - Toronto, Canada
  • Peter Plessas, IEM - Graz, Austria
  • Javier Redondo, Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia - Valencia, Spain
  • Carl Talbot, Musicom Productions - Montreal


Thursday, April 7th, 2011
  • 8:00-9:00 Coffee in the MMR
  • 9:00-11:00 - Session 1 (Tanna Schulich Hall)
    • Research Applications (Chaired by Sean Ferguson, CIRMMT / Schulich School of Music)
      • Peter Otto (Calit2 - San Diego, USA)
      • Markus Noisternig (IRCAM - Paris, France)
      • Peter Plessas (IEM - Graz, Austria)
      • Johannes Goebel (EMPAC - Troy, USA)
  • 13:00-16:00 - Session 2 (A832)
    • Design Issues (Chaired by Wieslaw Woszczyk, CIRMMT / Sound Recording / Schulich School of Music)
      • Larry King (Artec - New York, USA)
      • Todd Brooks / Clemeth Abercrombie (Artec - New York, USA)
      • Coffee break
      • Robert Essert (Sound Space Design - London, UK): Experience with variable acoustics - large and small spaces
      • Martin Pilchner (Pilchner Schoustal International - Toronto, Canada)
      • Discussion

    Friday, April 8th, 2011
    • 9:00 - 12:00 - Session 3 (A832)
      • Acoustic diffusion / Recording requirements (Chaired by Wieslaw Woszczyk)
        • George Massenburg (Schulich School of Music)
        • Javier Redondo (Universitat Politécnica de Valénvia - Valencia, Spain)
        • Coffee Break
        • Richard King / Martha de Francisco (CIRMMT / Schulich School of Music)
        • Carl Talbot (Musicom Productions - Montreal)
        • Questions / Discussion
        • Demonstrations of VAT in MMR (30 minutes)
    • 12:00-13:00 - Lunch
    • 13:00-14:45 - Session 4
      • RPI students will present their work
        • Jonas Braasch: Variable acoustics in telematic performance
        • Ning Xiang, Jonas Braasch, Todd Brooks: Introduction to the RPI Architectural Acoustics Program and research areas
      • Moderated discussion of RPI and McGill student research