Karlax and DMI Workshop

This workshop is organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 1 (Instruments, devices and systems) and Research Axis 4 (Expanded musical practice) and produced by the Digital Composition Studio of McGill University. It will take place on May 4th, 2015, in A-025 Wirth Opera Studio (-2nd floor, New Music Building). This workshop is free and open to all. Registration is required.


The Karlax is an instrument for the digital arts created by Da Fact in Paris, France.  Since this instrument lies within the realm of Digital Musical Instruments (DMIs), parallels between this instrument and previous DMIs created in Montreal and abroad will be discussed. This workshop will begin with talks focusing on performance and compositional approaches for the Karlax and other DMIs followed by talks based on technical interests in designing and implementing DMIs.  


Registration for this event has ended.

Guests (to be confirmed)

Tom Mays, Académie Supérieure de Musique de Strasbourg, France

D.Andrew Stewart, University of Lethbridge, Canada

Marcelo Wanderley, McGill University, Canada

Ian Hattwick, McGill University, Canada

Ivan Franco, McGill University, Canada

Zachary Hale, CIRMMT, Canada


Performance and Composition

       9:30:-9:40 Zachary Hale, Introduction to workshop
       9:40:-10:40 Tom Mays, Introduction to Karlax and his work
       10:40-11:25 Andrew Stewart, Karlax,Tstick, and meta-instrument development
       11:25-11:50 Zachary Hale, Improvisation with the Karlax in the N[i]Quest duo


       11:50-12:30 Lunch/coffee pause


       12:30-13:45:  Participants encouraged to try instruments, play with others

Creation and design

       13:45-14:15: Marcelo Wanderley, The road from prototypes to instruments        
       14:15–14:35: Ian Hattwick, Designing DMIs for group performance        
       14:35–15:00: Ivan Franco, integration of sound synthesis 



Program (subject to change)

The well-tempered patch III by Tom Mays for Karlax, flute, and electronics

       Zachary Hale, Karlax; TBD, flute

Presque Rien avec Karlax by Tom Mays for Karlax and electronics

       Tom Mays, Karlax

Improvisation for Karlax and oboe by N[i]Quest Duo

       Zachary Hale, Karlax; Krisjana Thorsteinson, oboe

Improvisation for Three Karlaxes

       Tom Mays, Andrew Stewart, Zachary Hale; Karlax

Clepsydre by Pierre-Yves Aumont

       Raphaël-Tristian Jouaville; Karlax

Rotations Méandres Accélérations by Raphaël-Tristan Jouaville

       Raphaël-Tristian Jouaville, Karlax; Suzu Enns, clarinet


CIRMMT - Schulich School of Music - McGill Digital Composition Studio