Workshop on representing human information in GIS

This workshop is co-organized by the McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) and CIRMMT Research Axis 4 (Multimodal immersive systems). It will take place on Monday, December 16, 2013, at the School of Information Studies on the McGill downtown campus. This workshop is free and open to all. Registration is required.


Registration is mandatory as seating is limited (25 seats):  Workshop on representation and visualization of human information in urban environments - registration


This workshop explores ways to make meaningful representations of qualitative or more nuanced quantitative data, like quality of life measures, in GIS. Such representations could help urban designers and planners make better decisions about how to intervene in modalities where they do not have suitable knowledge or expertise.

The workshop will include a case study on soundscape, which is the idea that sound can be used as a resource rather than uniformly considered as noise. For example, how could I show that a particular urban location is generally considered as having a good soundscape for outdoor dining, and could even be improved by encouraging bird sounds or reducing traffic noise? Such a representation has to account for more complex contextual issues, like time-of-day, demographics, and activities.

This workshop has been organized by Daniel Steele. For more information please write to daniel.steele [AT]

Please note location: School of Information Studies, 3661 Peel St., Montreal, QC, H3A 1X1


Jaimie Cudmore, Department of Architecture, McGill University

Michal Czepkiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland and Adjunct Visiting Scholar, San Diego State University

Milya Gabdrakhmanova, MArch, Lemay Architects, Montreal

Daniel Steele, CIRMMT, School of Information Studies, McGill University


  • 09:30 - Welcome and introduction to the workshop
  • 09:45 - Michal Czepkiewicz: Mapping human activities and perceptions of urban space with Web GIS
  • 10:10 - Milya GabdrakhmanovaSpatial intelligibility and design thinking
  • 10:35 - Jaimie CudmoreSeeing beyond backward compatibility: The use of digital representational tools in the dialogue between urban designers and planners, and community members in university­­­–community design partnerships
  • 11:00 - Daniel Steele: Soundscape, counter-modal intervention (i.e. soundscape intervention without acoustic intervention)
  • 11:25 – Open discussion, extra questions
  • 12:00 - Lunch, provided
  • 12:45 - Paper discussion: Gidlof Gunnarsson and Ohrstrom (2011), Noise and Well-Being (please read paper in preparation for the workshop)
  • 13:10 - Case study and breakout session - A city with noise problems, problem statement and ideas sketch time.
  • 14:00 - Team presentations and summary of workshop themes.
  • 14:30 - Conclusion and wine toast