Registration is mandatory as seating is limited (30 seats): Workshop on audio-haptic interaction in music - registration
Audio-haptic interactive systems exploit the human sense of touch as a communication channel to enhance the experience of manipulating and interacting with sound. In this design paradigm, information about parameters and system states may be physically represented through the use of actuators, giving the operator a sense of embodied presence of virtual control structures. In this workshop, we are interested in discussing how audio-haptic interactions paradigms are useful in musical contexts.
This workshop will focus on questions such as:
- How can haptic feedback be best exploited for audio interaction, and what roles can physical feedback provide in the domain of real-time sound synthesis control?
- How does haptic feedback relate to the traditional experience of instrumental musical performance, and how can actuator technologies be utilized effectively in simulation of instrumental acoustics or in conveying musical content?
- How can haptic feedback be used to enhance the interaction with virtual environments populated with sounds, providing, for example, cues or “haptic previews” of the virtual sound objects.
Guests / Speakers
- Paolo Ammirante, SMART Laboratory, Ryerson University, Canada
- Deborah Egloff, Rhedboa Productions, USA
- Marcello Giordano, IDMIL, CIRMMT, McGill University
- James Leonard, ICA, Grenoble INP, France
- Stephen Sinclair, IDMIL, CIRMMT, McGill University
- 10:00-10:15 - Introduction and coffee
- 10:15-10:45 - James Leonard: The CORDIS Audio Haptic Real Time Platform for Musical Creation with Instrumental Interaction
- 10:45-11:15 - Deborah Egloff: Audio-haptic music interfaces for augmented communication using vibrotactile frequency discrimination practices
- 11:15-11:45 - Stephen Sinclair: Velocity acquisition as an impedance/quality trade-off in audio-haptics
- 11:45-13:30 - Lunch (not provided, but there are a wide variety of cafés and restaurants available nearby)
- 13:30-14:00 - Paolo Ammirante: Vibrotactile sensitivity to spectral information
- 14:00-14:30 - Marcello Giordano: Implications of audio-tactile interaction for the design of interfaces for music performance and learning
- 14:30-17:00 - Round-table, demos, visit of the labs