CIRMMT Student Symposium 2017 - List of Presenters

The CIRMMT Student Symposium takes place annually, on the day of our General Assembly. Students present their recent work in the form of oral presentations, poster presentations, demos, or performances. Proposals are chosen by the Student Executive Committee in order to present a broad picture of CIRMMT research, from musical compositions to computational algorithms. / Le symposium Etudiant du CIRMMT a lieu chaque année, le jour de l’Assemblée Générale. Les étudiants y présentent leurs travaux récents sous forme de présentations orales, posters, démonstrations et concerts. Les travaux présentés sont choisis par le Comité Exécutif Etudiant et visent à représenter la vaste étendue des recherches menées au CIRMMT, des compositions musicales aux algorithmes informatiques.

CIRMMT Student Symposium 2017 / Symposium Etudiant du CIRMMT 2017

To view the abstracts / Lien vera les résumés: Student Symposium Abstracts 

General Assembly and Student Symposium 2017 Overview


9:00-9:30 : COFFEE / CAFÉ

9:30-11:00: ORAL Presentations / Présentations orales

  • 9:30 - Jason Noble, Eddy Kazazis: Composing with gestures on a perceptual chordal space
  • 10:00 - Zored Ahmer: Activity based music recommendations
  • 10:30 - Juan Sebastian Delgado, Alex Nieva: Multimodal visual augmentation for cello performance

11:00-11:15: Coffee / CAFÉ 

11:15-12:30: CIRMMT Student Award Lightning Round 

  • 11:15 - Pierre Grandjean: Spherical double-layer microphone array based on ambisonic approach and Lebedev grid for spatial audio: design, fabrication, and testing
  • 11:30 - David Rafferty: Strutted cell - exploring spatialization as a compositional parameter
  • 11:45 - Johnty Wang: Development of a mapping interface for alternative control of pipe organs
  • 12:00 - André Martins de Oliveira, Katelyn Richardson: The kinetic-kinematic-physiological-musician (KKPM) database project
  • 12:15 - Matthew Boerum, Jack Kelly, Diego Quiroz: How do virtual environments affect localization and timing accuracy when panning audio sources three dimensionally

12:30-1:45: Lunch & Poster and Audio Demos / 12h30 - 13h45 : Dîner & affiches et demonstrations d'audio

  • Jeff Blum: Expressing human state via parameterized haptic feedback for mobile remote implicit communication
  • Connor Kemp: Vibration behaviour of woodwind reed cane - player testing of in-use reeds and materials characterization
  • Cynthia Tarlao: Mind the moving music: auditory motion in experimental music
  • Arun Duraisamy: Understanding the acoustic behaviour of natural fibre composites and the effects of temperature and humidity

1:45-3:15: ORAL PRESENTATIONS / 13h45 - 15h15 : Présentation orale 

  • 13:45 - Karen Yu, Zihua Tan: The breathing canvas - an interactive performative installation
  • 14:15 - Parisa Alirezaee: Did you feel that? Developing novel multimodal alarms for high consequence clinical environments
  • 14:45 - John Sullivan, Alexandra Tibbitts, Olafur Bogason: Harp gesture acquisition for expanded musical practice

3:15-3:30 : coffee break / 15h15 - 15h30 : Pause Café

3:30-4:30: Keynote address / 15h30-16h30 Conférence invitée

  • Tim Crawford