Richard Yanaky and Catherine Guastavino win awards at both ASA/AWC2024 and Congrès du Réseau AIRS 2024

Richard Yanaky and Catherine Guastavino win awards at both ASA/AWC2024 and Congrès du Réseau AIRS 2024

January 20, 2025

Congratulations to Richard Yanaky, student member, and Catherine Guastavino, regular member, for winning two recent presentation awards!

First, these two members took home second best presentation in Architectural Acoustics at the joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustics Week in Canada (link). This presentation in Ottawa was supported by a CIRMMT student travel award to Richard.

  • Yanaky, R., & Guastavino, C. (2024). Realistic enough? Design considerations for soundscape simulators. Canadian Acoustics, 52(1). (link)

Second, they won a best presentation award at the first AIRS Network Conference on Air, Intersectoriality, Respiratory and Sound Research, which is a newly formed thematic network to encourage interdisciplinarity and collaboration in the context of public health.

  • Yanaky, R., & Guastavino, C. (2024, November). Using virtual reality to integrate sound considerations in city-making. Congrès du Réseau AIRS 2024, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Finally, Richard and Catherine, along with fellow CIRMMT members Gianluca Grazioli and Ying-Ying Zhang, also had a related article featured in a newsletter by the Young Acousticians Network, a part of the European Acoustics Association. The newsletter included a research spotlight on Richard for his work on the City Ditty project. This presentation in Chiba was supported by a CIRMMT student travel award to Richard. Its earlier development work was supported by a CIRMMT student award to Richard and Ying-Ying in 2020-21.

  • Yanaky, R., Grazioli, G., Zhang, Y.-Y., & Guastavino, C. (2023). Exploring the use of soundscape sketchpads with professionals. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, Chiba, Japan, August 20-23, 2023. (link)