Student Awards

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  • A document with best practices regarding working in an interdisciplinary group has been created to help guide you. We encourage you to review this before applying.
  • Graduate student members of CIRMMT, including visiting students, are eligible to apply for CIRMMT student awards to pursue interdisciplinary research projects within the Centre’s mandate
  • Post-doctoral students are not eligible for this funding.
  • Master’s and Doctoral students may submit single or group applications.
  • REMINDER: Applicants must be registered student members at their institution for the full period of the student award (i.e. from when the award is given until the following year after the presentation at COBS has been completed) in order for funding to be issued. Please note that once Convocation has passed, you are no longer a student.
  • Eligible group applicants must be working on a research project that involves a minimum of two students with supervisors from different disciplines, at least one of whom is a Regular member of CIRMMT.
  • Eligible single applicants must be supervised by at least one CIRMMT Regular member, although co-supervision by another researcher, ideally a CIRMMT Regular member from a different discipline, is encouraged. Applicants with only one supervisor need to justify their choice.
  • Applications must be relevant to CIRMMT’s mission. Selection will be based on the quality as well as the interdisciplinarity of the proposal.


CIRMMT values the participation of students in the life of CIRMMT. While there are those who are more officially involved, such as the student representatives and coordinators, those who contribute to the community through other forms of engagement are also valued, and these involvements will be taken into consideration. Such forms of engagement can include, but are not limited to, participation in demonstrations or the more in-depth organization of a CIRMMT workshop.

  • In order to be considered eligible for CIRMMT funding, students are expected to attend:
    • EITHER a minimum of 4 out of 6 Distinguished Lectures in the 12 months prior to the application deadline,
    • OR a minimum of 3 out of 6 Distinguished Lectures and significantly contribute to the organization of a CIRMMT workshop along with the RA co-leaders, or in a demonstration during specific special events (e.g., tours of CIRMMT/MMR) in the 12 months prior to the application deadline.
    • NOTE: In both situations above, ONE Distinguished Lecture can be replaced by attending a live@CIRMMT concert.
  • All attendance will be tracked via sign-up sheet for in-person events.
  • Event attendance requirements are instated to demonstrate the applicant’s active involvement in CIRMMT activities. If the applicant does not meet these requirements, extenuating circumstances will be reviewed, and proof must be provided.
  • Students from universities outside Montreal (U. de Sherbrooke and Université Laval) are exempt from fulfilling the in-person event requirements but are encouraged to attend when possible.


  • New group and single applicants are eligible for a maximum of $5000 per person.
  • Renewals: Students who have successfully applied before can receive a subsequent student award, but only for new projects, preferably with new team members, and at a reduced funding level of a maximum of $3000 each.


CIRMMT Student Award Application form

  • DEADLINE: February 1st, 4pm. If the deadline falls on a weekend/holiday, applications will be accepted through the following business day at 4pm.
  • Once you have submitted the MSForm application, please make sure to PDF-print a copy of the application form and combine it with the additional documentation in ONE DOCUMENT and email it to jacqueline.bednar [AT] by the deadline. The additional documentation must include the:
    • proof of extenuating circumstances for non-attendance at events (lectures, concerts etc.), if applicable.
    • recommendation letter(s) from supervisors
    • CV(s) of all applicants.
  • Application form notes:
    • The MSForm has up to 77 questions: You cannot save your progress while completing this form unless you log in with your Microsoft account! Please ensure to save your responses elsewhere to be sure your data is not lost.
    • Click on the following document to view a complete PDF of the form in order to prepare your questions: MSForm for viewing purposes
    • You can enter information for up to four applicants under one project via this form. If you have more applicants for one project, please contact jacqueline.bednar [AT]
    • Single applicants who have only one supervisor must justify their choice in the 'Project Details' section.
    • Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
    • Recipients of Student Awards are required to take present at the annual Student Symposium (usually in late May) both at the start and at the end of their award in order to receive their funding.



    • Quality as well as the interdisciplinarity of the proposal.
    • Background and capability of the researcher(s) according to the CV.
    • Distinguished Lecture attendance/Workshop organization: On rare occasions, when there is money still available, after the fully eligible students have been considered, students who have not completed the full attendance requirements may receive support.