IAM@CIRMMT #23: Behaviour Interactive

IAM@CIRMMT #23: Behaviour Interactive

​The challenges of live development for audio on Dead by Daylight, whose audio team deals with constant new content and big name licences. Coming up on the 8th anniversary of the game's release, the audio team reflects on the challenges they faced and are still facing as they moved from an indie project to the Hall of Fame of horror.


Frédéric Poirier

Frédéric Poirier, Audio Director
Frédéric Poirier, Audio Director

A veteran of 15 years in the game industry, Frédéric's first role was as sound integrator, before moving on as sound designer on "Indiana Jones & the Staff of Kings". Over the years, he has worked as lead sound designer on numerous projects and collaborated with renowned partners such as Disney, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon, and Microsoft. He's known for his ability to quickly learn and adapt to new audio engines and his dedication to projects. For more than 9 years, he's been the creative audio force on 'Dead by Daylight'.

Jean-Frédéric Vachon

Jean-Frédéric Vachon, Head of Audio
Jean-Frédéric Vachon, Head of Audio

In his 24 year career in game audio, Jean-Frédéric has worked on close to 200 titles, with roles ranging from Sound Designer to Head of Audio. He credits his greatest achievement as assembling a team of extremely talented artists at behaviour Interactive and letting them express their talents to the fullest.

Jean-Frédéric holds a Bachelor’s degree in music and a mini MBA.