Workshop on Performance with Electronics

This workshop is organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 6 (Expanded Musical Practice). It will take place on October 4th, 2008 at McGill University (A832, New Music Building, 527 Sherbrooke St. West). Registration is free.

This workshop is open to all CIRMMT members. 


This workshop will deal with practical issues relating to the performance of works with live electronics. Live electronics involve the real-time transformation of instrumental sound during a performance using an interactive computer system.  Issues to be dealt with include an introduction to the technology of live electronics, software interfaces, modernization of repertoire, touring with technology and bridging the gap between acoustic instruments and electronics. The workshop will also include a general meeting of Axis 6 (Expanded Musical Practice).


Registration is on a first-come first-served basis (30-35 seats):

Preliminary Schedule

Room A-832

  • 10:00 Coffee, introductory remarks (Sean Ferguson)
  • 10:30 Cléo Palacio-Quintin: Flute and live electronics
  • 11:00 Marlon Schumacher: Integra project
  • 11:30 Xenia Pestova: Stockhausen's Mantra
  • 12:00-13:00 break (lunch not provided)

 Tanna Schulich Hall

  • 13:00 Jean-Guy Boisvert: Touring with electronics
  • 13:45 Daniel Ciampolini: Bridging the gap between acoustic instruments and electronics
  • 15:45 Break
  • 16:00 Axis meeting
Room A-832
  • 17:00 Reception