Workshop on Multimodal Integration

This workshop is organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 4 (Multimodal Immersive Systems). It will take place on September 26th, 2008 at McGill University (A832, New Music Building, 527 Sherbrooke St. West). Registration is free.

This workshop is open to all CIRMMT members. 


This workshop addresses the integration of multiple modes of information to support human-computer interaction, with an emphasis on auditory and haptic modalities.  We consider the relevant characteristics of these modalities, how their combination can affect perception and improve task performance in a variety of domains, and examine case studies in interaction design that leverage such combinations.  This knowledge is applicable to interface design in general, and has particular importance not only to the visually impaired, but to domains where the visual channel is heavily occupied attending to other stimuli or where other modalities can effectively complement visual feedback.


Registration is on a first-come first-served basis (30-35 seats):


  • 8:30 Coffee/pastries
  • 9:00 Jeremy Cooperstock: Welcome and Introductory Remarks
  • 9:05 Martens, Sakamoto, & Sakanashi: Multimodal integration during observer motion.
  • 9:30 Stephen Brewster (Glasgow): 'Head up' interaction: Can we break our addiction to the screens and keyboards on our mobile phones?
  • 10:00 Bruno Giordano and Stephen McAdams (McGill): Audio-haptic integration in action-based perception of impacted objects.
  • 10:30 Ilja Frissen (McGill): Overview of the Cyberwalk project
  • 11:00 Yon Visell (McGill): Audio-haptic interaction with ground surfaces
  • 11:40 SRE lab demo
  • 12:40 Lunch
  • 13:30 Break-out/round-table discussion
  • 14:15 Ravin Balakrishnan (Toronto): Interaction with displays all over the place
  • 14:45 Laurence Harris (York): Perceiving touch and being touched
  • 15:15 Coffee
  • 15:30 Georgios Marentakis (McGill): Multimodal feedback influence on 3D target acquisition tasks
  • 16:00 Marcelo Wanderley (McGill): Design and Evaluation of Input Devices for Musical Expression
  • 16:30 Brainstorming -- interest and opportunities for building collaborative grants in multimodal integration