Workshop on Music and Machine Learning

This workshop is organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 3 (Music Information Archiving and Retrieval). It will take place on Novmeber 14th, 2008 at BRAMS (Université de Montréal). Registration is free.

This workshop is open to all CIRMMT members. 


This will be a one-day workshop in Montreal on the topic of machine learning and music. The schedule will include a small number of long-format talks (45-60 minute), a poster session, and plenty of time for informal discussion between machine learning and music researchers (MIR, music technology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, motion capture). You need not be a machine learning expert to attend!

Please fill out the registration form if you would be interested in participating and indicate whether you would like to give a talk, present a poster, or simply attend. We are also soliciting potential discussion topics and areas for the workshop to focus on. If you would be interested in giving a talk, we may request an extended abstract for consideration, as we may not have enough time slots for everyone who wants to present. 

Registration (Required)

All participants must register to attend. Space is limited and places will be given on a first-come first-served basis.

To register please fill out the online registration form.


Organization and Sponsors

Douglas Eck (Université de Montréal Computer Science)
Michael Mandel (Columbia University Electrical Engineering)
Pascal Vincent (Université de Montréal Computer Science)

This workshop is co-organized with BRAMS.  Additional funding is provided by MITACS.