Workshop on applications of robotics in music performance and analysis

This workshop is co-organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 1 (Sound modeling, acoustics and signal processing) and Research Axis 2 (Musical gestures, devices and motion capture). It will take place on September 13th, in A832 (New Music Building). This workshop is free and open to all. Registration is required.


This workshop will focus on the use of robotic systems in the performance and analysis of music.  Presentations will touch on robotic technologies and previous applications in musical contexts, including aspects of robotic music player systems, speakers systems that include robotic controls to synthesize player movement, and the use of robotic systems as mechanical players to isolate and precisely control various aspects of the player / instrument interface.  A discussion session will allow CIRMMT members to present their current and future interests in using robots for musical purposes. 

Guests / Speakers

  • Roger Dannenberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Vincent Fréour, McGill University
  • Brett Leonard, McGill University
  • Luis Rodrigues, Concordia University
  • Gary Scavone, McGill University
  • Joelle Pineau, McGill University


  • 12:30: Introduction
  • 12:45: Brett Leonard: "The Tribaffle: A Robotic Acoustic Alternation System for Critical Listening Tests" 
  • 13:00: Luis Rodrigues: "Experiments in Conducting Musical Robots"
  • 13:30: Roger Dannenberg: "Developing McBlare, a Robot Bagpipe Player"
  • 14:00: Vincent Fréour & Gary Scavone: "Mechanical Player Systems for Analysis of Performer / Instrument Interactions"
  • 14:20: Joelle Pineau: "A brief survey of robotic technologies and challenges from a roboticist's perspective"
  • 14:40: Open discussion session on interests in using robotic technologies among CIRMMT members
  • 15:40: Wrap-up


Registration is mandatory as seating is limited (35 seats): Workshop on applications of robotics in music performance and analysis - registration