CIRMMT RA4 Spatial Audio Workshop

CIRMMT RA4 Spatial Audio Workshop

The CIRMMT Spatial Audio and Immersive Sound Workshop will bring together experts from across the CIRMMT community, including students, as well as industry partners to cover various aspects of Spatial Audio and 3D Immersive Sound.

The CIRMMT Spatial Audio and Immersive Sound Workshop will bring together experts from across the CIRMMT community, including students, as well as industry partners to cover various aspects of Spatial Audio and 3D Immersive Sound.


The Workshop will consist of a full day of lectures on several topics relevant to the core themes of Spatial Audio and 3D sound. Besides, there will be a variety of practical demonstrations ranging between an open hardware design for a new multidirectional loudspeaker array for spatial sound reproduction, 3D Ambisonic recordings including live demos with composers/performers with the possibility to listen to the resulting recordings immediately afterwards, as well as listening sessions of intricate multichannel music recordings in 7.1.4. Dolby Atmos in the immersive sound labs.

The workshop will consist of lectures on spatial audio in the morning and activities, performances, and demonstrations in the afternoon.

We are seeking your contributions to the workshop, specifically: research presentations relating to spatial audio, musical performances featuring spatialization, or any other topics relating to immersive sound composition, performance, and recording.





09:15 Opening Remarks A-832/833 (8th floor)
09:20 Shayan Mozaffari: Blind Stereo to Wave Field Synthesis Upmixing based on a Virtual Acoustic Model A-832/833 (8th floor)
09:45 Ana Sokolović: OpéRA A-832/833 (8th floor)
10:10 Denis Martin: Perceptual Comparison of 3D Audio Reproduction With and Without Bottom Channels A-832/833 (8th floor)
10:30 Coffee Break A-832/833 (8th floor)
11:00 Thomas Quirion: From Amplitude Channel-Specific Spatialization Tools to Object-Based Immersive Sound in Dolby Atmos MMR (-2 floor)
11:25 Denis Martin, Pierre-Henri Barralis: Compositional and Interactive Approaches to Spatial Audio: Fantaisie Harmonique. MMR (-2 floor)
11:50 Andrea Gozzi: ABCC: Audio Augmented Reality Concert in Bone Conduction MMR (-2 floor)
12:15 Martha de Francisco: Path of Miracles, an Immersive Sound Experience MMR (-2 floor)
12:40 Lunch A-832/833 (8th floor)
13:40 Nicola Giannini: MapSPAT, a real-time spatialization tool based on sound variations MMR (-2 floor)
Virtual Acoustics in Distributed Performance Over a Closed Audio Network  IMLab (-2 floor)
14:05 Pauline Patie: Sound Vortex: Immersion and Kinesthesia in the DRIFT Universe MMR (-2 floor)
David Piazza: Spatializing Contemporary Instrumental Music for Immersive Concert Experiences MMR (-2 floor)
Immersive Sound Recordings (Dolby Atmos) Studio 22 (-2 floor)
Beam Me Up Scotty: Transporting Musicians to Virtual Environments IMLab (-2 floor)
Edu Meneses: Audiodices and the Case for Scenophonie MMR (-2 floor)
IMLab (-2 floor)
Gianluca Grazioli: Virtual Acoustics and Real Experiences: A Changing Approach to Create and Experience Art IMLab (-2 floor)
Pierre-Henri Barralis: A VR Experience of Fantasie Harmonique using Oculus Headsets MMR (-2 floor)
James Clemens-Seely: A Tale of Two Approaches IMLab (-2 floor)
Closing Reception
A-832/833 (8th floor)
13:45 Immersive Recording Live of a Choral and Instrumental Rehearsal


Christ Church Cathedral,

635 Saint-Catherine St W, Montreal


Please submit a short abstract and title by February 12th, 4:00 PM, by filling out this form.

We hope to see many of you there!