Workshop on auditory illusion

This workshop is co-organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 4 (Multimodal Immersive Systems) and Research Axis 5 (Music perception and cognition). It will take place on March 16, 2011, from 11:00am-5:00pm in A832 (New Music Building), the day before the CIRMMT Distinguished Lecture to be given by Jean-Claude Risset. Jean-Claude Risset will also give a live@CIRMMT Distinguished Artist concert on March 18. This workshop is free and open to all. Registration is required.


Registration is mandatory as seating is limited, and is on a first-come first-served basis (30-35 seats): Workshop on auditory illusion - Registration form


This workshop addresses auditory illusions, ambiguities and organization in a musical context.

We consider the limits of the auditory system, how they can be pushed to create effects altering our perception of space, pitch and rhythm or timbre, and examine case studies in contemporary music.  Multisensory illusions (e.g. visual recalibration of auditory localization) will also be considered.

We are interested in contrasting various perspectives on the topic, including psychoacoustical investigations, compositional paradigms, technological advances, informal explorations, etc...


  • Jean-Claude Risset, Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique
  • François-Xavier Féron, IRCAM
  • Rosemary Mountain, Concordia University


  • 11:00 - Coffee and welcome
  • 11:30 - Rosemary Mountain, Concordia University: Auditory illusions: Reflections of an armchair researcher
  • 12:30 - Lunch
  • 13:30 - François-Xavier Féron, IRCAM: Illusions and ambiguities: Comparing approaches in visual arts and music
  • 14:30 - Jean-Claude Risset, CNRS: Pitch and rhythm illusions in my music
  • 15:30 - Coffee
  • 16:00 - Discussion