This workshop provides a platform for musicians, composers, artists, engineers, and researchers to explore collective free improvisation, live electronics, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The event concludes with an open jam session, offering participants the opportunity to play and connect with other CIRMMT improvisers. Free and open to all, we welcome anyone interested in experimental new music.
5:00–6:30pm: Soundcheck
6:30pm: Scheduled performances
Édith Viau: Études volatiles (Volatility Studies)
Split flap display + Supercollider improvisationJames Annett: de_umbris.idearum
SuperCollider improvisationTarcisio Braga: Tambor
Snare drum improvisation
7:20pm: Intermission
Maxwell Gentili-Morin: Breath's Resonance: A Solo Improvisation for Linnstrument and Quadraphonic Sound
Linnstrument improvisationJean-Félix Lagahe: Unexpected Tea
Mosaique corpus (Max for Live) and no-input mixer improvisationSimon-Luc Laporte: Soundwalk Dub Studies
SoundWalk Dub Studies improvisation
8:40pm: Open jam session
9:30pm: Event concludes