CIRMMT Student Symposium 2015 - List of Presenters

The CIRMMT Student Symposium takes place annually, on the day of our General Assembly. Students present their recent work in the form of oral presentations, poster presentations, demos or performances. Proposals are chosen by the Student Executive Committee in order to present a broad picture of CIRMMT research, from musical compositions to computational algorithms./Le symposium Etudiant du CIRMMT a lieu chaque année, le jour de l’Assemblée Générale. Les étudiants y présentent leurs travaux récents sous forme de présentations orales, posters, démonstrations et concerts. Les travaux présentés sont choisis par le Comité Exécutif Etudiant et visent à représenter la vaste étendue des recherches menées au CIRMMT, des compositions musicales aux algorithmes informatiques.

CIRMMT Student Symposium 2015 / Symposium Etudiant du CIRMMT 2015

To view the abstracts / Lien vera les résumés: Student Symposium Abstracts 

General Assembly and Student Symposium 2015 overview


9:30-11:05am Oral Presentations 1, 2, 3 & 4 / 09:30-11:05 PRÉSENTATIONS ORALES 1, 2, 3 &4

  • 9:30 - Cedric Camier: Does reverberation affect auditory motion perception?
  • 9:55 - Caroline Shung: Defining Mechanical Voice Dose in Singers
  • 10:20 - Kai Siedenburg: Sounds unheard of: Familiarity and source identification in memory for musical timbre
  • 10:45 - Marcello Giordano, Fredrik Gran, Marlon Schumacher: Haptic notifications for polytemporal/metric synchronization in ensemble performance


11:15-1:00PM POSTERS/ 11:15-13:00 POSTERS [in Wirth Opera Studio, room A025]

    • Mohammad Adeli and Deborah Egloff: Developing a physiologically-inspired vibrotactile interface
    • Rachel E. Bou-Serhal, Tiago H. Falk and Jeremie Voix: On the potential for artificial Bandwidth Extension of bone and tissue conducted speech: A mutual information study
    • Michael Di Perna, Michael El-Jiz and Ian Hattwick: Control strategies for a human-conducted quadcopter ballet
    • Hubert Leveille: A change is gonna come: Three empirical studies on the evolution of harmonic syntax in popular music from the 1960s
    • João Felipe Santos: Updating the SRMR blind reverberation time estimation method for variability reduction and use of multichannel information

1:00-2:00PM LUNCH / 13:00-14:00 DÉJEUNER


  • 2:05 - Sarah Gates, Kit Soden and Moe Touizrar Correspondence of orchestral and visual components in representing basic emotional categories in dramatic scenes


  • Gil Weinberg: Robotic musicianship at Georgia Tech

3:30-4:15PM ORAL PRESENTATIONS 6 & 7 / 15:30-16:15 PRÉSENTATIONS ORALES 6 & 7

  • 3:30 - Daniel Steele: The role of activity in urban soundscape evaluation
  • 3:55 - Kelvin Chan: A comparison of piano performance evaluations done under audio-only, limited and full audiovisual conditions

4:15-4:30PM COFFEE BREAK / 16:15-16:30 PAUSE CAFÉ