2023 Scientific Event & General Assembly

2023 Scientific Event & General Assembly

2023 Scientific Event aims to bring updates on the Regular members activities and research projects. The Annual General Assembly is open to CIRMMT Regular, Collaborator, and Student members.

It is our pleasure to invite all CIRMMT members to the upcoming 2023 CIRMMT Scientific Event & General Assembly meeting on May 25, 2022, from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM. 

Registration for this event is now closed.


1. Scientific project update by Regular members, grouped by the research axis

9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., MMR (level -2)

Panel sessions will be organized around four themes that correspond to CIRMMT’s Research Axes (RAs): Instruments, Devices and Systems (RA1), Music Information Research (RA2), Cognition, Perception and Movement (RA3), and Expanded Musical Practice (RA4).

These sessions are conceived to provide maximum information in a very short time (5 minutes per researcher), and their primary purpose is for all presenters to have a chance to give an overview of their current research and expertise, which will facilitate exchanges between participants during the conference and beyond.


Presenter's Name Title of the presentation
Elizabeth Zimmermann Impact of Singing on Oral Health
Ilja Frissen Container Haptics
Nicolas Bouillot Live and Sensitive (virtual/hybrid) Stages
Guillaume Boutard Spatial Audio for the Documentation of Sound Installations
Joe Paradiso Knitted Textiles for Musical Control and Interaction
Jeremie Voix Technologies intra-auriculaires et otiques
Philippe-Aubert Gauthier The Virtual and the Material: An Overview of Research and Research-creation Projects at the Crossroads of Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Alexis Emelianoff Speechpumps, Liminal Audio and Magnetism
Caroline Traube Music performance, from gesture to sound.
Update on ACTOR and Musicians’ health related research projects at U. of Montreal
Suresh Krishna RA134-related Activities at the McGill m2b3 Lab
Andrea Creech Pedagogies of Artistic Citizenship
Aaron Liu-Rosenbaum Music Technology to Bridge Connectivity in Later Life
Cory McKay Feature Extraction, Feature-indexed Databases, Features in Musicology and Evolution with Feature
Bavo Van Kerrebroeck
(on behalf of Prof. Caroline Palmer)
The Computational Modelling of Musical Group Synchrony
Nicolas Bernier Comment un artiste en milieu académique peut présenter en cinq minutes une infime partie des projets qui l’ont animé dans les cinq dernières années
Eric Lewis Interactive Improvisational Digital Archives / New Media Art Installations
Sha Xin Wei Manifold-based Approaches to Sound and Event Synthesis
Isabelle Cossette Updates on the Performance Simulator and the Hearing-Care Platform
Liliana Araujo Psychological and Physical Readiness in Music Practice and Performance
Dominic Thibault Adaptability in AI for the Empowerment of Musicians

2. Lunch break

12:00PM - 1:00PM, A-832

3. General Assembly

1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M., MMR (level -2)


1. Director’s report and presentation

  • Dissemination and Research Activities
  • Research Funding
  • Partnership and Research Collaborations Highlights
  • Updates to Operations, Projects, and Policies
  • Membership
  • FY23 Budget Overview

2. Questions from members

3. Other business