It is our pleasure to invite all CIRMMT members to the upcoming 2023 CIRMMT Scientific Event & General Assembly meeting on May 25, 2022, from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM.
Registration for this event is now closed.
1. Scientific project update by Regular members, grouped by the research axis
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., MMR (level -2)
Panel sessions will be organized around four themes that correspond to CIRMMT’s Research Axes (RAs): Instruments, Devices and Systems (RA1), Music Information Research (RA2), Cognition, Perception and Movement (RA3), and Expanded Musical Practice (RA4).
These sessions are conceived to provide maximum information in a very short time (5 minutes per researcher), and their primary purpose is for all presenters to have a chance to give an overview of their current research and expertise, which will facilitate exchanges between participants during the conference and beyond.
Presenter's Name | Title of the presentation |
Elizabeth Zimmermann | Impact of Singing on Oral Health |
Ilja Frissen | Container Haptics |
Nicolas Bouillot | Live and Sensitive (virtual/hybrid) Stages |
Guillaume Boutard | Spatial Audio for the Documentation of Sound Installations |
Joe Paradiso | Knitted Textiles for Musical Control and Interaction |
Jeremie Voix | Technologies intra-auriculaires et otiques |
Philippe-Aubert Gauthier | The Virtual and the Material: An Overview of Research and Research-creation Projects at the Crossroads of Arts, Sciences, and Technology |
Alexis Emelianoff | Speechpumps, Liminal Audio and Magnetism |
Caroline Traube | Music performance, from gesture to sound. Update on ACTOR and Musicians’ health related research projects at U. of Montreal |
Suresh Krishna | RA134-related Activities at the McGill m2b3 Lab |
Andrea Creech | Pedagogies of Artistic Citizenship |
Aaron Liu-Rosenbaum | Music Technology to Bridge Connectivity in Later Life |
Cory McKay | Feature Extraction, Feature-indexed Databases, Features in Musicology and Evolution with Feature |
Bavo Van Kerrebroeck (on behalf of Prof. Caroline Palmer) |
The Computational Modelling of Musical Group Synchrony |
Nicolas Bernier | Comment un artiste en milieu académique peut présenter en cinq minutes une infime partie des projets qui l’ont animé dans les cinq dernières années |
Eric Lewis | Interactive Improvisational Digital Archives / New Media Art Installations |
Sha Xin Wei | Manifold-based Approaches to Sound and Event Synthesis |
Isabelle Cossette | Updates on the Performance Simulator and the Hearing-Care Platform |
Liliana Araujo | Psychological and Physical Readiness in Music Practice and Performance |
Dominic Thibault | Adaptability in AI for the Empowerment of Musicians |
2. Lunch break
12:00PM - 1:00PM, A-832
3. General Assembly
1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M., MMR (level -2)
1. Director’s report and presentation
- Dissemination and Research Activities
- Research Funding
- Partnership and Research Collaborations Highlights
- Updates to Operations, Projects, and Policies
- Membership
- FY23 Budget Overview
2. Questions from members
3. Other business