CIRMMT-OICRM-BRAMS student symposium 2025 – Crossed resonances: Weaving connections between music, research, technology, and society

CIRMMT-OICRM-BRAMS student symposium 2025 – Crossed resonances: Weaving connections between music, research, technology, and society

CIRMMT is hosting the 7th CIRMMT-OICRM-BRAMS (COBS) student symposium at the Elizabeth Wirth Music Building, McGill University

The COBS student committee is pleased to invite you to the 7th inter-university student symposium, merging the members of the three research centres; CIRMMT, OICRM, & BRAMS. The symposium will be held in person on May 29th, 2025, in the Elizabeth Wirth Music Building, McGill University.

Student members of these three research centres are encouraged to submit a proposal of their current research, regardless of the stage of the project, once the call becomes available. In addition, the presenters must ensure that they are available on the day of the symposium to attend their colleagues’ presentations.

Please note that the event will be bilingual, and presenters may present in the language of their choice.

Call for Presentations (Oral, Lightning, and Poster)

The format of the presentations (Please select your preferred formats on the form. However, due to capacity limitations for each format, we may follow up with you regarding possible adjustments):

  • A seven-minute oral presentation summarizing your research in a clear and accessible manner, followed by a three-minute discussion after each talk.
  • A three-minute lightning presentation (for new CIRMMT student award recipients and others who wish to present their study in this format, including Three Minute Thesis). This should outline your planned work and be presented on a single slide. A discussion will take place at the end of the entire lightning session.
  • A poster presentation conveying the essential research information.

All formats need to submit an abstract in both English and French (200 words max.) and should include:

  • A brief overview of the topic;
  • Research questions;
  • Methodology and conceptual framework;
  • Results obtained or expected;
  • Discussion and conclusions.

The abstracts and presentations will be assessed anonymously by a committee of post-doctoral and doctoral researchers from the three participating research centres.

Awards for Presentations

Awards will be offered to students for the best presentations. These awards will be granted to the students whose presentations showcase excellent research and communication abilities.

Call for Music

We invite the members from the three communities (CIRMMT, BRAMS, OICRM) to submit their proposals for electroacoustic performance work. Selected projects will be featured at COBS Conference in the Multi Media Room (MMR) on May 29, 2025. We encourage applications by composers from underrepresented groups.

  • Date/Time: May 29, 2025 at 7pm (Soundcheck will start around 6 pm)
  • Venue: MMR

Applicants should submit a one-page PDF (US Letter size) containing the following information:

  • Applicant's email address
  • Applicant's name
  • Affiliation
  • Title
  • Format (Live or Fixed Media)
  • Duration (up to 12 min.)
  • Description of the proposed performance/work (max.250 words)
  • Technical requirement
  • A link to a video or audio recording relevant to the proposed project (if applicable)
  • List of performers (if appropriate).

Requirements for Music

  • The performance should be for up to four performers.
  • The performance should be suited for soundcheck on the day of the performance with minimal rehearsal.
  • As this concert is in the MMR, we will prioritize multichannel works, but we can support stereo works.

Submission and Registration

Submission and Registration Form:

Please fill out the form for all types of registration, including presenter abstract submission, musical performance application, and audience registration.

Important Dates

The call for presentations is now closed, but the music submission deadline has been extended to April 4, 2025, at 23:59.

(If you are a CIRMMT student award recipient, please make sure you submit on time. Any delay may impact the final award amount you receive.)

  • Author notification from committee: April 4th, 2025
  • Registration deadline for audiences: May 12th, 2025
  • Symposium dates: May 29th, 2025

Preliminary schedule

9:00–9:15am: Introduction

9:15–10:45am: Oral Presentations 1

10:45–11:00am: Coffee Break

11:00am–12:00pm: 3-minute Lighting Presentations

12:00–2:00pm: Poster session and lunch

2:00–3:30pm: Oral Presentations 2

3:30–4:30pm: Prof. Sidney Fels keynote

4:30–4:45pm: Coffee Break

5:45–7:00pm: Reception

7:00–8:00pm: Concert [MMR]

How to get here

Please view the information on our Contact us page.

Please contact the organizational committee at ccobs.cobs[AT]gmail[DOT]com if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you at the symposium!