The COBS student committee is pleased to invite you to the 6th inter-university student symposium, merging the members of the three research centres; CIRMMT, OICRM, & BRAMS. The symposium will be held in person on May 28th, 2024, at the Pavillon Roger-Gaudry - Université de Montréal (UdeM).
Student members of these three research centres are encouraged to submit a proposal of their current research, regardless of the stage of the project. In addition, the presenters must ensure that they are available on the day of the symposium to attend their colleagues’ presentations.
Please note that the event will be bilingual, and presenters may present in the language of their choice.
To register for this event please complete this online form:
The exact schedules for this event can be found at this link.
How to get there

Awards will be offered to students of every research centre for the best presentations. These awards will be granted to the students whose presentations showcase excellent research and communication abilities.
Abstracts must be submitted before March 31st, 2024 (11:59 PM EDT) via the online form.
The abstracts must not exceed 200 words and should include:
- a brief overview of the topic;
- research questions;
- methodology and conceptual framework;
- results obtained or expected, if applicable;
- discussion and conclusions, if possible.
The abstracts and presentations will be anonymously assessed by a committee of post-doctoral, doctoral students, and researchers from the three participating research centres.
There are two possible formats of presentations :
1. Oral Presentation
5-10 minute talk (the timing will depend on the number of proposals received), with visual support (for example a PowerPoint presentation, Genially or Keynote). The talk must display the essential research information of the project as described above in a clear and accessible manner.
Every presentation will be followed by a 5-minute question period.
2. Poster
A poster displaying the essential research information as described above;
A 5-minute oral presentation synthesizing your research in a clear and accessible manner;
Presenters are asked to be available for a short question period following their presentation;
Posters should be printed preferably in 44-inch height x 34-inch width / 112-cm height x 86-cm width. If you cannot print in this format and with these sizing dimensions, please let the COBS organizing committee know. Please communicate with your research centres concerning poster printing resources;
Poster templates are available here. The following video demonstrates how to enter a specific format in PowerPoint;
The posters will be on display and it will be possible to consult them during coffee breaks and lunchtime – the presentations by students will nevertheless take place during a scheduled time;
Students are invited to visit the COBS 2023 website; and to consult posters from previous years as examples.
To promote diversity of representation and to ensure the symposium is accessible to all interested, we encourage submissions by persons who are members of historically marginalized communities.
Be advised that students who have received a bursary from the OICRM or a master’s or doctoral Award from the CRBLM are required to present at the symposium. Students who are recipients of a CIRMMT Student Award are also required to present and will be contacted with more information. Please ensure to communicate with your research centre for further information as requirements may differ for each. In all cases, participants are encouraged to communicate with their research centres for details as the requirements may differ depending on the circumstance.
Please contact the organizational committee at ccobs.cobs [AT] if you have any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you!