The lecture will take place in TANNA SCHULICH HALL, followed by a wine and cheese reception in Wirth Music Building lobby.
Research on gesture and movement very often dissociates linguistic issues from sensorimotor theories underlying the production of movement. Linguistics studies propose to identify units of action as linguistics components that can be combined to form the sense of movement. Conversely, sensorimotor studies tend to model movement by simulating the combined action of motor control and sensory information (visual cues, force feedback, etc.). In this talk, I will show that movement is also language, characterized by a set of meaningful actions, by the timing of the sequencing actions, and by the way the atomic elements are organized into patterns. Different examples of skilled and expressive gestures will illustrate this presentation, from physical theater, to sign languages and musical gestures.
Sylvie Gibet graduated with a PhD in Computer Science in 1987 from the “Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble” (INPG) in France, where she studied haptic gesture for controlling sound synthesis. She then held a research position at the University of Geneva in 1989 in Cognitive Science, and a postdoctoral position at the University of California, San Diego (Computer Music Experiment lab.) in 1990. She became an assistant professor at the University of Paris Sud in France between 1992 and 2000, before becoming a professor at the University of South Brittany, where she joined the IRISA Laboratory. Her research focuses on the modeling, analysis and generation of expressive gesture. She is also interested in the perceptual evaluation of produced movements. She has mainly studied expert gestures with strong semantics such as sign language gestures, but also musical gestures such as percussing or conducting gestures, or emotional theatrical movements.
This lecture is sponsored by Benelux Brasserie Artisanale.
APA video citation:
Gibet, S. (2018, June 12). Gesture: a language to sense, express, control -
CIRMMT Distinguished Lectures in the Science and Technology of Music. [Video file].
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