[Cancelled] Alain Berry: Sound field control: Some engineering applications

[Cancelled] Alain Berry: Sound field control: Some engineering applications

A Distinguished Lecture from Alain Berry, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sherbrooke.

Due to unforeseen circumstance, this lecture has been cancelled. 

The lecture will take place in the Multimedia Room MMR (-2 floor), followed by a catered reception in A-832 (8 floor) of the Elizabeth Wirth Music Building. This event is free and open to the general public.


No registration is required for this event.

**CIRMMT Students wishing to have their attendance tracked for awards eligibility, please make sure to scan the QR code available at the entrance of the MMR.


Sound field control is an emerging field of acoustics, whose objective is the precise physical reproduction of the sound field in an extended region of space using loudspeaker arrays. This subject has fascinating applications in immersive sound reproduction systems, virtual reality, music, cinema or video games. The talk will present some engineering applications of this topic, such as spatial synthesis of sound fields from vehicles or industrial sites, auralisation of vibroacoustic models or vibroacoustic metrology.


Alain Berry is a full professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke. He is a member of GAUS (Groupe d'Acoustique de l'Université de Sherbrooke), CRASH (Centre de Recherche Acoustique – Signal – Humain) and a founding member of CIRMMT (Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Music Media and Technology). He has held a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Vibroacoustics applied to the transport sector and an industrial NSERC Chair in Aviation Acoustics. His research interests are structural acoustics, active noise and vibration control, sound field control and acoustic imaging.