Live in-concert experiment using the CIRMMT Audience Response System

This live in-concert experiment is organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 5 (Music perception and cognition). It will take place on November 9, 2010 at McGill University.


Solo flute recital by James Zhang (works by Bach, Debussy, Varèse) with a live in-concert experiment using the CIRMMT Audience Response System.

Participants should be:

  • between 18-60 years of age with no hearing problems and (for men) clean-shaven cheeks,
  • university music students or professional musicians.

The concert will take place on Tuesday, November 9th 2010 in the Tanna Schulich Hall, New Music Building, 527 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal. You need to be there to get set up for the experiment at 6 PM (filling out questionnaires and getting hooked up), and the concert starts approximately one hour later.

The experiment will take about 1.5 hours, and involves listening to several pieces performed live, while rating their emotional effects on you as a listener. Additionally, we will measure various psychophysiological indicators of emotion using biosensors. The performer and audience will be recorded with audio and video recording equipment.

You will be compensated $10 upon completion.  No risks are associated with this research. Your confidentiality and anonymity for serving in this experiment will be protected. This work has been reviewed by the McGill Review Ethics Board and is supervised by Prof. Stephen McAdams of the Schulich School of Music, McGill University.


If you are interested in participating, please fill out the questionnaire at