Workshop on music information retrieval and cultural data

This workshop is organized by CIRMMT Research Axis 3 (Musical Information retrieval, archiving and analysis). It will take place on October 22, 2010, in A832 (New Music Building). This workshop is free and open to all. Registration is required.


This workshop is inspired by the CIRMMT Distinguished Lecture "Understanding music on the Web: A Yahoo perspective", which will be given by Malcolm Slaney the day before. Several papers on music information retrieval based on different sources will be presented, followed by open discussion.


  • Bruno Angeles, McGill University
  • Gabriel Vigliensoni, McGill University
  • Cory McKay, Marianopolis College
  • Douglas Turnbull, Ithaca College
  • Juan Bello, New York University


  • 14.00-14.10  Introduction by Ichiro Fujinaga
  • 14.10-14.40  Bruno Angeles "Discovering metadata inconsistencies"
  • 14.40-15.10  Gabriel Vigliensoni "Using WebMiner 2.0 to improve music classification performance by combining different types of features mined from the web"
  • 15.10-15.40  Cory McKay "Evaluating the performance of lyrical features relative to and in combination with audio, symbolic and cultural features"
  • 15.40-16.00  Coffee break
  • 16.00-16.40  Douglas Turnbull "Semantic music discovery engines"
  • 16.40-17.20  Juan Bello "Modelling structural similarity in music"
  • 17.20-18.00  Open discussion with Malcolm Slaney and other guests
  • 18.00-20.00  Reception


Registration is on a first-come first-served basis (30-35 seats): Workshop on music information retrieval and cultural data - Registration form