Following Nicolas Donin's Distinguished Lecture on January 20, 2025, a CIRMMT Workshop on the Joys and perils of musicians' self-analyses is planned for Thursday, January 23. Self-analysis, i.e., composers analysing their own works, has been an increasingly significant part of writings about music over the last centuries. It offers a unique perspective on their conceptualization of their artistic activity and on the unfolding of their creative process. Nowadays, virtually any creative practice in music beyond composition may integrate self-analysis, based on a variety of methodologies.
Call for proposals
We invite 20-minute presentations (or 30-minute lecture-recitals) in English or French on any aspect of this topic, including self-analyses by musical practitioners, musicological work that draws on self-analyses, methodological and conceptual considerations, and research on documenting and preserving musicians' and composers' self-analyses.
Interested participants and attendees should register using this MS form, which includes a field to upload a proposal of no more than 250 words (submission deadline December 20). Accepted presenters will be contacted and the final program announced in early 2025.