Registration is required. To register, please visit: Workshop: Audio in advanced digital age - REGISTRATION
Analog and digital audio are intertwined, perhaps forever, as sound is analog in nature. Processing and storing sound is best accomplished in digital domain. Therefore, digital audio must achieve the highest transparency and transformability yet retain all attributes of the original analog sound, as well as the sound optimized for communication. The presenters will discuss select manifestations of the advancements in digital audio, and in analog systems, to help us answer the question in the title of the workshop.
- 08:30-08:50 - Doors open, coffee
- 08:50-09:00 - Welcome
- 09:00-09:30 - Claude Cellier: Anubis monitoring controller - show and tell
- 09:30-10:00 - Jerry Catanescu: Building a High-Channel-Count Analogue Volume Control
- 10:00-10:30 - Denis Martin: Revisiting gain reduction: Quantifying dynamic range compression
- 10:30-11:00 - Diego Quiroz: A Mid-Air Gestural Controller for the Pyramix® 3D panner
- 11:00-11:30 - Intermission
- 11:30-12:00 - Jordan Strum, Richard King, Oles Protsidym, and Jerry Catanescu: Simultaneous audio capture at multiple sample rates and formats for direct comparison and evaluation
- 12:00-12:30 - Gianluca Grazioli: ArcheoEchi: an example of the usage of immersive technologies in the cultural heritage in Southern Italy
- 12:30-13:00 - Wieslaw Woszczyk and Dave H. Benson: Development of McGill Library of Virtual Rooms
- 13:00 - Closing remarks
Call for Presentations [CLOSED]
The call for presentations is now closed.
- author(s) name and affiliation;
- title
- short abstract (max. of 100 words)
In the subject line of your email, please write CIRMMT WORKSHOP. Each presentation will be 10-15 min. in length, followed by a 10 min. discussion. The deadline for submission is Monday, September 30 at 12:00pm (noon). Authors will be notified of their participation status.