About the event
This session will feature the rebroadcast of the lecture presented by Gascia Ouzounian on May 9, 2019 followed by a one-hour live discussion with Prof. Ouzounian herself. The main goal is to revisit the topic, and then, in the discussion that will follow, evaluate what has changed since the research was first presented. Participants are encouraged to submit their questions and comments in the chat of the platform used.
To access the event: www.cirmmt.org/join/DL6
CIRMMT FUNDING ELIGIBILITY REMINDER: CIRMMT student members should note that attendance at Distinguished Lectures is necessary to fulfill the eligibility requirements for funding opportunities. Attendance will be tracked via sign-up sheets for in-person events, and the chat of the online meeting platform used.
Gascia Ouzounian is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Oxford. She is the author of Stereophonica: Sound and Space in Science, Technology, and the Arts (MIT Press 2020). This book examines the history of auditory and acoustic spatiality over the last two hundred years, from early psychological studies in auditory space perception to sonic warfare, stereo reproduction, sound installation art, sound mapping, and sonic urbanism. Gascia is currently directing SONCITIES, a 5-year, €2 million project funded by the European Research Council that brings together sound artists, architects, and urban designers in investigating sonic urban practice. She holds degrees in violin performance and music technologies from McGill University and critical studies/experimental practices in music from the University of California, San Diego.
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